The process of tamping an earth wall is unique in the world of construction. We are essentially creating a massive sedimentary stone in a matter of hours. Natural processes take thousands of years or more to achieve the same. The premium placed on such walls is largely due to the fact that when finished they are left un-altered, an honest expression of a beautiful material. Such walls do not take as well to alteration or modification as say, sheetrock, so it is vital to get them right on the first pass. We still need to keep the rain out, keep powering our devices, mount or anchor various structures to our walls, and provide for the occasional door and window. The act of ramming earth can be quite violent. Learning what sorts of embeds will withstand the test while not interfering with the process, knowing what it takes to maintain accurate placement without limiting compaction, knowing where a tamper can fit to do its work -- and what other options are available -- are all best accomplished by the experience gained inside the forms. Let us bring that experience in the placement of all types of embedded and attached structure to work for you during the planning phase of your project.